Academic research partnerships
Scientific collaborations
AQUA4D works closely with leading universities which have researched the efficacy of its technology in a variety of settings, including University of California, Brazil’s UNESP and France’s INRAE. Below you can find a selection of studies from various scientific institutions around the world.

Research Institution
ICWT – International Center for Water Technology, California – United Sates, 2018
- Dave Goorahoo, Associate Professor
- Charles Cochran, Research assistant / Graduate student
Solution investigated
Saline water
Effect on soil structure
Soil structure
Soil without plants
Main results:
AQUA4D-treated water leached approximately 2.3 times more ions per unit of water than the non-treated water
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Influence of AQUA4D treatment in removing nematodes
Research Institution
Mediplant – Swiss research institute for aromatic and medicinal plants, Switzerland, 2016
- Xavier Simonnet R&D Manager
Solution investigated
Saline water
Main results:
- A significant increase of 10% in the yield of dry leaves
- P and Ca contents of the leaves are significantly higher
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Effect of AQUA4D on the development of basil in soilless cultivation with 2 levels of irrigation water salinity
Research Institution
Fresno State – Center for Irrigation Technology, 2018
- Tim Jacobsen
- Charles F. Cochran
- Janet Robles
- Dave Goorahoo Ph.D.
Solution investigated
Saline Water
leaching of salts in soil
Main results:
- AQUA4D leachate was consistently higher than the control
- AQUA4D treated water leached approximately 2.3 times more ions per unit of water than the non-treated water
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Soil Column Study at Fresno State California
Research Institution
INRGREF National Institute for Agricultural Engineering, Water and Forests, Tunisia, 2013
- Pr. Mohamed Hachicha
Solution investigated
Saline water
Maize seeds
Main results:
- Faster germination
- Higher germination rate: between 10 and 25% according to the AQUA4D® treatment time and salinity of water samples
Article published in the Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences (2016-Elsevier Editorial System). Manuscript Number: JSSAS-D-14-00103R1
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Effect of AQUA4D-treated water on germination of maize seeds
Research Institution
VOLCANI Center, Agricultural Research Organization (ARO), Nematology department, Israel, 2012
- Pr. Yitzhak Spiegel
Solution investigated
Biofilm reduction, Nematodes
Main results:
- Higher plant growth and vigor
- Better root development
- Lower Gall index and lower eggs number = nematode population controlled and reduced damage to plants
Article published in the Journal Water Research 83 (2015) 184-194
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Control of plant-parasitic nematodes using AQUA4D
Research Institution
Higher Agronomical Institute of Chott Meriem, Tunisia, 2012
- Dr. Bouthaina AL Mohandes Dridi
- Pr. Najet Raouani Horrigue
- Falfoul Karima, engineer student
Solution investigated
Main results:
- Higher plant growth and vegetation
- Lower Gall index = nematode population controlled and reduced damage to plants
- Increase in production: +42%
- More efficient than Rugby nematicide
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Effect of AQUA4D water treatment on irrigation water in melon crops
Research Institution
CATV Centre for Technical Adaptation and Extension, jointly with the Hassan II Institute of Agronomy in Agadir, Morocco, 2012
- Dr. Boujmaa SIRAT, Head of the CATV
- Mrs. Zahra Ferji, nematologist at the Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II
Solution investigated
Main results:
- Lower Gall index and lower eggs number = nematodes control and reduced damages on plants
- Increase in production: +42%
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Study of the influence of AQUA4D on tomato crops in a greenhouse in the presence of nematodes
Research Institution
Water and Environmental Research Laboratory (WERL), Faculty of Science and Technology, Al-Quds University, jointly with USAID and the Technical and Applied Research Center (TARC), Occupied Palestinian Territory 2012-2013
- Amer Marei and Dia Rdaydeh, WERL
- Dia Karajeh, USAID
- Nawaf Abu-Khalaf, TARC
Solution investigated
Saline water and water savings
Main results:
- Higher plant growth and vegetation
- Better quality
- Increase in nutrient absorption
- Water savings: 15%
- Increase in production: +20%
Article published in the Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A4 (2014) 830-838
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Effect of using AQUA4D brackish water on irrigated bell pepper crops
Research Institution
INRGREF National Institute for Agricultural Engineering, Water and Forests, Tunisia, 2013
- Pr. Mohamed Hachicha
Solution investigated
Saline water
Maize seeds
Main results:
- Faster germination
- Higher germination rate: between 10 and 25% according to the AQUA4D® treatment time and salinity of water samples
Article published in the Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences (2016-Elsevier Save Editorial System). Manuscript Number: JSSAS-D-14-00103R1
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Effect of AQUA4D-treated water on germination of maize seeds
Research Institution
CRRA Regional Center for Agronomical Research, jointly with INRGREF, Tunisia, 2013
- Pr. Hajlaoui Hichem, CRRA
- Pr. Borgi Ziad, CRRA
- Pr. Mohamed Hachicha, INRGREF
Solution investigated
Saline water
Main results:
- Higher plant growth
- Better quality
- Higher yields: +96% (close to yields with potable water)
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: AQUA4D treatment of saline irrigation water: impact on the growth and yields of a tomato crop
Research Institution
Higher Agronomical Institute ISA Chott Meriem, Tunisia, 2013
- Dr. Bouthaina AL Mohandes Dridi
- Pr Najet Raouani Horrigue
- Mabrouk Amina, engineer student
Solution investigated
Main results:
- Higher plant growth and vegetation
- Better root development
- Better fruit quality
- Increase in production: +6%
- No significant effect on nematodes (Gall index) due to a severe initial infestation
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Effect of AQUA4D water treatment on irrigation water in a melon crop
Research Institution
INRGREF National Institute for Agricultural Engineering, Water and Forests, Tunisia, 2016-2018
- Prof. Mohamed Hachicha, INRGREF
- Mohamed BOUHLEL, Master Student
Solution investigated
Saline wate
Soil only, without plants
Main results:
- The volumes of drainage water from AQUA4D-treated irrigation water are significantly higher and the salt concentrations are also higher
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Effect of AQUA4D-irrigated saline water on quality and yields of vineyard with salt saturated soil
Research Institution
ICA Iber Carthage Agro, Tunisia, 2013-2015
- Mamdouh Trabelsi
Solution investigated
Saline wate – Salt saturated soils
Main results:
- Higher plant growth, vigor and vegetation
- Higher length and volume of bunch of grapes: 15-20%
- Improvement of class grapes
- Decrease in salt conductivity of the soil
- Increase in production: +15%
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Effect of AQUA4D-irrigated saline water on quality and yields of vineyard with salt saturated soil
Research Institution
CATV Centre for Technical Adaptation and Extension, Morocco, 2014
- Dr. Boujmaa SIRAT, Head of the CATV
Solution investigated
Main results:
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Study of the influence of AQUA4D with and without nematicide (Dischloropropene), on a melon culture in a greenhouse in the presence of nematodes
Research Institution
INRGREF National Institute for Agricultural Engineering, Water and Forests, Tunisia, 2016-2018
- Prof. Mohamed Hachicha, INRGREF
- Mohamed BOUHLEL, Master Student
Solution investigated
Saline water
Soil only, without plants
Main results:
- The volumes of drainage water from AQUA4D-treated irrigation water are significantly higher and the salt concentrations are also higher
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Investigation into the leaching effect of AQUA4D
Research Institution
Arava Development Company, Zohar Research Center, Israel, 2015-2016
- Dr. Effi Tripler
Solution investigated
Saline water
Main results:
- A reduced uptake of sodium and chloride
- An increased production yields
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Effect of AQUA4D treatment of irrigation water on melons grown in the Arava valley
Research Institution
UIB University of the Balearic Islands, Research Group on Plant – Biology under Mediterranean Conditions, Spain, 2015-2016
- Dr. Hipólito Medrano Gil
- Dra Josefina Bota Salort
Solution investigated
Water savings
Main results:
- Improvement of production yield: +10%
- Improvement of all quality criteria:
- o Brix +12%
- o Firmness +35%
- o Total titrable acidity +42%
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Influence of AQUA4D treatment on the plant growth, water use and water use efficiency in greenhouse irrigated crops
Research Institution
Nilo Coelho Project
- Producer – Agronomist Josival Amorin
- Nilo Coelho Project
Solution investigated
Nematodes (Meloidogyne enterolobii)
Main results:
- All trees that were attacked by nematodes have recovered a good shape and are now able to produce fruits
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Effect of AQUA4D treatment of irrigation water, on nematodes attacking guava trees
Research Institution
INRGREF National Institute for Agricultural Engineering, Water and Forests, Tunisia
- Prof. Mohamed Hachicha, INRGREF
- Malek Moussa, PhD Student
Solution investigated
Saline water, Treated wastewater
Main results:
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Effect of AQUA4D treatment on treated wastewater used for irrigation
Research Institution
UNESP – Faculty of agricultural and veterinary sciences – Campus of Jaboticabal – Department of Plant Protection – Brazil, 2016
- Prof. Dr. Pedro Soares – Nematologist
Solution investigated
Main results:
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Effect of AQUA4D treatment of irrigation water on the control and development of soybean nematodes
Research Institution
INRGREF National Institute for Agricultural Engineering, Water and Forests, Tunisia, 2016-2018
- Prof. Mohamed Hachicha, INRGREF
- Mohamed BOUHLEL, Master Student
Solution investigated
Saline Water
Soil only, without plants
Main results:
- The volumes of drainage water from AQUA4D-treated irrigation water are significantly higher and the salt concentrations are also higher
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Evaluation of the effect of AQUA4D on the leaching of salts in soils according to salinity of irrigation water.
Research Institution
UNESP – São Paulo State University, Brazil, 2017 – 2019
- Pr Fernando Putti
Solution investigated
Saline Water
Main results:
- Analysis of the results in progress
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Effect of AQUA4D on the development of tomato crops in soilless cultivation with 5 concentrations of irrigation water salinity (0; 1.5; 3.0; 4.5; 6 dS m-1)
Research Institution
Campo & Negocios, 2018; Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
- Eusimo F. Fraga Junior
- André L. T. Fernandes
- Gilmar J. da Silva Junir
- Arianne Rodrigues Xavier
- Charles F. Cochran
- Janet Robles
- Dave Goorahoo Ph.D.
Solution investigated
Coffee Crop
Main results:
- Water savings: 25%
- Production increase: 15%
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Study on the effect of AQUA4D on a coffee crop
Research Institution
Water and Environmental Research Laboratory (WERL), Faculty of Science and Technology, Al-Quds University, jointly with USAID, Occupied Palestinian Territory 2012-2013
- Maram Bseleh and Amer Marei, WERL
- Dia Karajeh, USAID
Solution investigated
Saline water and water savings
Main results:
- Higher germination rate
- Decrease in the number of clogged drippers
- Higher plant growth and vegetation
- Increased Water Use Efficiency: +25%
- Increase in production: +26 %
- Higher chlorophyll content
Article published in the International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research (IJOEAR) ISSN:[2454-1850] [Vol-2, Issue-12, December- 2016]
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: The effects of using AQUA4D-treated brackish water on oregano yields
Research Institution
INRGREF National Institute for Agricultural Engineering, Water and Forests, INAT National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia, INRAE, Rennes, France, 2016-2018
- Malak Moussa INRGREF and INAT
- Vincent Hallaire INRAE
- Didier Michot INRAE
- Mohamed Hachicha INRGREF
Solution investigated
Effect on soil structure
Soil structure
- Sandy clay loam texture
- Clay (26 %)
- Silt (44 %)
- Sand (30 %)
Main results:
- Increased soil porosity at the macroscopic and microscopic scale
- The improvement in soil micro porosity explains an increased water retention and availability in the root zone
- The improvement in macro soil porosity explains an increased drainage of water
Article published in the Journal Soil & Tillage Research (2020-Elsevier).
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Micro- and macrostructure changes of soil under irrigation with AQUA4D-treated water
Research Institution
Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Monastir, University of Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia, 2015-2016
- Rawaa Akrimi – Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Monastir, University of Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia
- Hichem Hajlaoui – Regional Center of Agricultural Research of Sidi Bouzid (CRRA), Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia
- Giorgia Batelli, Alessandra Ruggiero, Stefania Grillo – National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources, Research Division Portici (CNRIBBR), Portici, Italy
- Mounawer Badri – Laboratory of Extremophile Plants, Centre of Biotechnology of Borj Cedria, Hammam-Lif, Tunisia
- Mahmoud Mhamdi – Higher Institute of Agronomy of Chott Mariem, Sousse, Tunisia
Solution investigated
Effects of saline irrigation treated with AQUA4D® on yield, metabolism, and some physiological traits of potato over two growing seasons.
- Potato: Spunta, Bellini and Alaska varieties
Main results:
- Soil salinity reduction by 25%
- Positive effect on root growth
- Increased yields
Several variables and specific data for each variety of potato were also analyzed.
Article published in the Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science (Wiley).
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: AQUA4D water enhanced metabolism and agro-physiological responses of potato (Solanum tuberosum L) under saline conditions
Research Institution
Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil, Research Station ACW, National – Competence Center for Nematology, Switzerland, 2010
- Dr Sebastian Kiewnick
Solution investigated
Main results:
- Higher plant growth and vigor
- Less stress for the plant
- Lower Gall index and lower eggs number = nematode population controlled and reduced damage to plants
Article published in the Journal Water Research 83 (2015) 184-194
Contact us for more detailed information about this study: Influence of AQUA4D treatment in removing nematodes
Water-smart collaborations
Innovative linkups: Agriculture 4.0
AQUA4D forms an integral part of water-smart agriculture, where water efficiency meets Ag 4.0 precise measurements. Whether it’s measuring sap flow through 2Grow, drone flyovers with Aerobotics, or soil moisture with Aquaspy, this combination of technologies has shown exponential benefits.

Sharing our knowledge
Community outreach
In order to encourage the next generation of cleantech engineers, AQUA4D works closely with academic institutions and home and abroad. On a community levels, our technology positively impacts upon sustainable development and water availability.
School visitsWe regularly offer school groups guided tours of our facilities to learn about the cutting edge of clean technology.
Academic linksOur technical department collaborates with colleges to promote knowledge transfer and foster R&D. This includes welcoming engineering interns to our HQ, and direct involvement of graduate students in AQUA4D trials in Chile, Brazil, Spain and more.
Community impactWith the cascade of impacts resulting from water-smart irrigation, our projects have a tangible effect on the surrounding communities. Our technology has been deployed as part of reforestation efforts in Chile, while treatment of saline water in Palestine enabled continued cultivation in challenging conditions. In many cases, potable water previously allocated to irrigation can now be used by local communities.
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